
If you are like me, then the word overpronation makes you feel a little hopeless. I've got "bad feet..." at least that's what I always call it, but that doesn't really do it justice.

Definition: Pronation
describes a slight inward rolling motion the foot makes during a normal walking or running stride. The foot (and ankle) roles slightly inward to accommodate movement. Some people, however, over-pronate and roll more than normal. With over-pronation, the arch of the foot flattens and causes excessive stress and pressure on the soft tissues of the foot. Over-pronation is more common in those with flat feet, and can lead to foot aches and pain, such as plantar fasciitis, shin splints, and knee pain.

Okay, so I just started running again, but I am kind of starting from scratch. I used to run a lot, but then I got out of the habit. Anyway, my feet are not used to it, and by shoes are already a little worn out, so it's a sad combination. I have been researching shoes, and should be ordering a new pair of running shoes soon. I need a kind of shoe called "motion contro
l" to keep my foot from looking like the picture on the right. Most people with this condition have flat feet, but mine are not quite flat. I have a slight arch.

I'm telling you all this because 1. I think it's interesting,
and 2. I need your prayers.

I am on a journey... to the Chicago Marathon. One of the things I want to do before I die is run a marathon, and I plan to do that next October. I have a year and a half to learn to run 26.2 miles. I am telling as many people as possible, because I hope this wi
ll hold me accountable. I imagine every so often someone will say "so how is the running thing going?" and I want to be able to say "great!"

Here is a picture from spring of 2005. My roommate took this because a friend and I had been running in the rain and we were soaked. This was back when I used to run a lot, and when I was 30 pounds lighter! I think I will feel great once I get into the swing of things!


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