For the birds

Pray4Chicago went well, and I'll be more than happy to host it again. Alan thought it went well also, you can read about it on his blog, t00. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and I look forward to having lots more people in our home... I miss the crowd. Even though I had to get onto some of the teens for being too loud, they weren't mad about it. I was more worried about bothering out neighbors than anything else.

Just a couple weeks of class left, and I will put some of the finishing touches on a paper tomorrow. I had to write a Case Study, and my dear friend Stefanie let me use her. What a dear. I will get a couple weeks off before I start my summer classes, and I am excited about that. I hope to use that time to find some part time work or a place to volunteer. We also booked flights to go see Alan's parents the weekend of May 15-17th, and I am very excited to see them. I plan to treat it like a vacation... cause it's the only one I'm going to get!

Well I've had a dozen people tell me they are coming to visit this summer, but no one has made plans to do so yet. I had a few friends try to make plans, but they wanted to come a weekend we weren't going to be here. I'm ready for people to come though, so make your plans!

I've been praying a lot lately. A little at a time, but often. I'm excited and afraid of what that might mean... have you ever had the feeling like God might be preparing you for something? Well, I have that feeling, and it's actually kind of haunting. I'm trying to have patience about it, but I just keep wondering what the future holds. Where is the money going to come from? What am I supposed to do with my time? Should we move when our lease is up? What is the real plan here?!

When it is bitter cold in Chicago, God takes care of the flying rats. I mean, pigeons. The lowest of low in the city is loved and nurtured by God almighty. There are heat lamps at the el stations that people can turn on while they are waiting. Often when you move under one you find you are standing or sitting next to a puffed up pigeon, waiting for you to turn the heat lamp back on:

Kinda cute, eh?
I suppose if He takes care of this despised creature, He will take care of me.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? -Matthew 6:26


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