Monday Five Countdown (on Tuesday)

I got this from my friend Jennifer (This is Who I Am), who got it from her friend Candice (Bookish Penguin).

Five Things I'm Grateful For

1. Alan. Always thankful for him, but he has been packing up all of our belongings while I play with our daughter.

2. Gracie. She always turns a frown upside down.

3. Heat. It's getting cold in Chicago, and I love when the heat kicks on! The flannel sheets aren't so bad either...

4. Staying home. I stay at home with our baby every day. On most days Alan spends a good part of the day at home with us, too. This makes me very happy.

5. Jesus. Sorry, man, didn't mean to put you last. Don't know what's up with that... cause you are number one.

Four Things I Can't Stop Thinking About

1. Thanksgiving! Alan's family is coming and I'm so excited to see them. I love having family here.

2. Grace! She is growing so fast, and I can't stop thinking about it!! For the first time I know what it's like to embrace every day. I never know what she will do or learn.

3. Our best friends in Chicago are moving.

4. School : ( I start back January 11th, and I am having trouble being positive about it.

Three Things I Want To Accomplish This Week (err... week and a half)

1. Move into our new apartment. Obviously.

2. Make a center piece for our Thanksgiving dinner table.

3. Have at least 5 more people tell me how great my baking is! : P

Two Things I Am Working To Be Positive About

1. Losing baby fat

2. School... I need to work A LOT harder at this though.

One Random Thing

1. I hate clipping Grace's fingernails, and she hates it, too.

Latest reflections

They said to be spontaneous. Do whatever you feel like before the baby comes, because after she's here you won't be able to. Well, that's true, and we did, and I still wish we could go see a movie now... what did that solve? Also, that had me running all over town when I was huge and pregnant and just wanted to be home. Nonsensical advice really.

I might be almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I don't look like or feel like my pre-pregnancy self. Like most non-pregnant women, I was thrilled the other day when someone asked me when my baby was due. Bastard. (sorry about my language)(but not really).

I want to try the new pumpkin pie pop-tarts. Disgustingly bad for you. Definitely not a breakfast food. Probably delicious.

I want all my friends to have babies. Baby girls. and now.

I can't get enough of Alan and Grace. I love to be with them, and I love to see them together. It is heaven on earth in my own little home.

I decided during pregnancy that going without caffeine wasn't that bad, and that I was going to keep it to a minimum forever. That was before a baby woke me 2-3 times every night. Now the best part of wakin up is foldgers in my cup.

A regular special day

I am starting to realize that every day with a child is special. Today would seem like a regular day to most- cleaning, feeding the baby, taking a shower... but it's also special. Grace made noises she's never made, spent a little time examining those weird things attached to her arms, took her first bath without the newborn sling, and smiled in excitement at the wind in her little baby hairs! It was such an exciting regular day to me : )

It's hard to get any packing done when all I want to do is show her new things. I'm pretty sure I've been wearing her out, because she's been sleeping really well. What a good baby, I love her so much.

Dear Grace- 2 months

Tomorrow you will be 2 months old. We will be headed to Louisville to see Nana and Papaw- they can't wait. It's been a month since they've seen you, which doesn't seem long to me, but you've changed so much! Then we will go to Lexington because your Aunt Alyssa is getting married. You are going to spend Sunday night with Nana and Papaw without us. I am very nervous. I haven't been away from you for more than about 3-4 hours since you came home! I know it will be nice to sleep so long without you waking me up, but I'm so freaked out!

You got your first round of vaccines at the doctor the other day. It made you very upset and we both cried. You are very healthy:

As of November 2nd:
Weight: 11lbs
Length: 23 1/8 inches
Head: 14 7/8 inches

You are getting so strong. You can hold your head up for long periods of time. Even though you don't like being on your belly you can lift your head and shoulders up for a while. You have been talking up a storm. I repeat the noises back to you and you seem to find that funny. I love it when I come to pick you up and you smile at me. It's as though you are saying "I'm so happy to see you!" You are such a delight to be around, Gracie. I love watching you grow- embracing every new moment and cherishing the past- realizing you will never be this way again.

The picture on here is already about a week old. You grow so fast, I need to take a picture every day! I can't wait for you to discover your hands... could be any day : )