Oh boy

It's time to get busy. Alan and I sent out 23 letters in search of support yesterday... I hope some people add us to their budget! I will hopefully be busy soon with writing thank yous and keeping track of finances.

The temperature is supposed to be 40 today and 51 tomorrow! It's spring! Not really, but still exciting. I wonder if the groundhog was right. In Chicago, winter typically lasts through March into April, when the average high is 56. I imagine May will be a great month when the average high is 67... that sounds perfect to me! Anyway, it will be nice to get one unusually warm day stuck in there.

I would like to go shopping. I need some rain boots. I would also like some fast food because I haven't had any in a long time... maybe for dinner. It is Friday after all.

I started a blog

Thanks to my sister-in-law, Allison, and her blog, I decided to start one myself! I wasted enough time making a profile and such, so now I need to go do some reading for class. However, do not fear... more is to come.