Dear Grace- 1 month

My friend Jillian writes to her son every month so that some day he can read about his wonderful childhood. She writes about his achievements and all the fun times they spend together. I've decided to do the same thing. I may forget some months, but that will just mean we were having too much fun for writing!

Today you are one month old. It may not seem like much, but it's been a life changing month for me- and for you! Life was a little scary for you at first. We had to be away from each other when you spent time in the nursery, and it was hard for me and Daddy. You just had a little trouble adjusting to your new world, and needed some time to rest before coming home. You are so strong though, and you got through it.

Speaking of how strong you are, you have been able to push back against me from the day you were born. You can already lift your head and turn it from side to side. You love to kick your legs and wiggle all around. Sometimes you grab at your hair or your nose. You can now keep my gaze and love to look me right in the eyes while you are nursing. When you hear a voice you can loo towards it, and you can find me or Daddy in a crowd.

This morning, very very early, you were done eating and I thought you were falling asleep on my lap. I was checking some e-mail before putting you back in your bed and you said "ahhooo" or something to that affect (you know, just a sweet little coo noise). I looked down at you in surprise that you were back awake, so I smiled at you, and you gave me a big smile back! I then told you how beautiful you are and you smiled again. Your Daddy and I love you so much. All the books say not to expect a responsive smile this early, but you are a genius : )

At the pediatrician today:
22 3/8 inches long
9lb 5oz weight
14 3/8 head circumference

She said you look very good. I was so proud when you smiled at her. She said it was very early for you to be doing that! You are now enjoying sleeping in your swing on this gorgeous fall day. I'm not sure if that is a bad habit or not, but I do it anyway. You have some reflux, so sitting up while sleeping helps you not spit up so much.

So, happy one month birthday, Gracie. You are a wonderful blessing to us, and we couldn't ask for a better daughter. I can't believe how fast you are growing. What a miraculous display of God's creation!


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