What is a Master's Degree, anyway?

Since January I have been hard at work on my MA in counseling! I am proud of myself for seeking higher education, and I look forward to using my skills some day soon. However, I am not just trying to become "Sara Boyle, M.A," but instead I am trying to receive a set of skills that I can use to help people. With that said, I've decided to slow down with school for a few weeks and catch up on learning!

I was signed up for a six week class called "Individual Counseling Skills." It was the class where you counsel for practice, get video taped, transcribe your videos, and do a lot of reading and journaling. I could have done it, but I can't imagine that I would learn everything I'd like to in SIX WEEKS! Crazy... glad I'm not doing it. I am proud of myself for wanting to take my time with school, and saving not only my sanity, but Alan's as well : )

This will leave we with quite a bit of free time in the next six weeks, but I have a lot on my to do list. I'd like to take my time with my one class, do some reading, and maybe even research some about the field. After all, I'm not exactly sure what I want to do or where I want to work when I'm done. Wow, I sound like I don't know what I'm doing, but I do... I'm trying to follow where God leads.

It would be nice to get a part time job of some sort. I am really hoping to get a graduate assistant position at Northeastern, so please pray that it works out if it's supposed to. If that is not the plan God has up His sleeve, then I look forward to seeing what He has in store. I would love to build my resume (by working as a G.A I would help with research, and assist with many things in the counselor of education office), get a little money (like $275 a month), and get my classes paid for! Sounds perfect, but we'll see. Interviews start in a couple weeks.

We went camping in northern Illinois. Here I am by lake Michigan:


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