I was busy...

I noticed that it's been a while since I've posted. The main reason for this is because our internet has been... less than optimal. We switched to AT&T because Comcast was unreliable, but then AT&T sent us a bad modem. SO we have been without reliable internet for a few weeks. That's pretty much the only bad news though!

I got all A's my first semester, went to see my in-laws for a few days, celebrated my third anniversary with the love of my life, went to my first Sox game, saw Magan and Justin get married (and was in my first wedding), spent a few days with my parents, had dinner with friends and family multiple times, met with church elders and ministers about our work, finished the homework for the first two weeks of my summer classes, and bought a new couch!! That was just three weeks!!!

I suddenly feel very accomplished after writing all that down. ha ha. God keeps us sane, that is for sure. I haven't had much time to run, but I'm ready to rock and roll again. I took a lot of pictures this month, but I'm not going to put them on here... HERE is the link to the album on Facebook.

I'll try not to wait so long to write!


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