a blog for me and mom

So my mom told me I should start blogging again. She said it's more personal than facebook, which is where she generally sees my daily thoughts. She likes to read what I have to say. Well, of course she does, she is my mom. Now that I'm a mom I know that you care about everything your child does. If Grace gets her diaper changed by someone else, I even want to know in great detail what they found inside. So, my mom wanting to read what I write is not necessarily enough motivation for me to start up my blog again.

I decided to just start writing and see where I ended up. I want to see if blogging is enjoyable. Let me think, why would I write a blog? Probably to get things off my chest or out of my mind. You know, that whole idea of once you write it down or tell someone you are free from it. That would make the audience of the blog myself. I could write to inform others of what's going on in my life. That would make my audience my mom, which is why I started writing today anyway. I guess I could write to encourage or inspire people. Tell my thoughts in an effort to make people feel warm and fuzzy.

You know, maybe I could write for all 3 of those audiences. I could just write whatever I want and readers should just be aware that you never know what you're going to get! If I warn you, then you can't have expectations. So don't. You are reading my journal, with little to no filter.


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