I wrote this yesterday, but didn't get around to posting it until today... I'm sure it's because I was too busy playing with my sweet baby.
Dearest Gracie Leigh,
You turned 5 months old yesterday! You are 22 weeks today. Every day you amaze me. You learn constantly... it's amazing to watch you discover the world for the first time. You notice everything it seems. You stare at the shadows moving along the wall, jump when I blow my nose, and laugh when I make a funny face. You sure don't miss much. You know when momma and daddy aren't near, and this upsets you. You know that when you are hungry and I walk through the door that your problems are solved. You greet each day (too early- at about 7am) with a smile! You are happy most of the time, but know how to tell us what you want.
Your father has taught you how to suck on his nose. It really grosses me out, and now you think it's okay to do it to me as well! I try to bump noses with you or give you eskimo kisses and you chomp and drool all over my nose!You are big enough for your jumperoo now and you're into all the little things you can touch and push. You just discovered how to turn around in it this week. You love to stand, but you're still not interested in rolling over. It's not that you aren't strong enough, because you are. I think you might just decide to crawl first! You like to tell me stories and wait for my response. You laugh a lot, but only when you want to. Sometimes I can't do anything to get you to smile, and sometimes all I have to do is look at you. You have a mind of your own for sure. We often understand each other, and I'm starting to wonder if you know what I'm saying some times.
Last week we got a huge snow storm- about 20 inches. I can't wait until you want to play in the snow with me. This year you had to just look from the window. You've made lots of new friends this month, which you find fun. Everyone loves you and you seem to love them, too. I started classes and once a week daddy puts you to bed. You are crazy about your daddy.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Time just moves by so fast, it's hard to believe. We have a great life together- the three of us. We are so blessed to have each other, and we're so glad you're our daughter.
F'real Life.
8 years ago
I think it is so incredibly sweet that you are writing this for Grace. She is so lucky to have you for a momma! I know you know this, but I know exactly how you feel about her. I never fully understood God's love for me until I had you. Then I understood! Pure, complete, unconditional love. How wonderful for me, for you,for Gracie, and for all of God's children!
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