Photo time. Here are some pictures of what I've done the last few weeks.
Stefanie had a baby shower, and here she is holding up the gifts I made her. They are tropical art for the nursery... there is another one that has fish on it. I also like this picture because Stef is wearing a maternity shirt that I got her months ago... glad it still fits, because a lot of her stuff doesn't! She looks pretty excited : )
Stefanie had a baby shower, and here she is holding up the gifts I made her. They are tropical art for the nursery... there is another one that has fish on it. I also like this picture because Stef is wearing a maternity shirt that I got her months ago... glad it still fits, because a lot of her stuff doesn't! She looks pretty excited : )
Lori and Adam came and took us to eat pizza. We snapped a photo cause we love each other. Can't wait to see her again in 2.5 weeks!

Below is Alyssa's handy work. She loves to take silly pictures, and this one is pretty awesome. It took several tries, but all four of us made it!

This one doesn't need explaining... it's just how we are.
Waiting for the train. Good times.
Apparently it's been a while since I've posted a blog- thanks for reminding me, Mark. I looked on the calendar to see what has happened since I last posted July 21... Alyssa and Steven came for a few days, Lori and Adam took their day trip here and bought us pizza, I went to Stefanie's baby shower, Erin and Caleb moved in, I signed up for a 10K, I wrote a 30 page paper, and we hung out with a lot of friends. Now that my class is over, I am on vacation. At home. Which is fine with me.
It's hot today. 89 degrees that is. I know a lot of you reading this would laugh at such a statement, but for around here it's a little warm! My body is not used to it, and anything over 85 kind of makes me dizzy. PS- we only have one little window AC, so I am not exactly comfortable in the apartment.
Hard to believe my birthday is in a little over one month. Am I really about to be 23?! Do I have to grow up? Hope not. I kinda feel like I've been 23 for a while. All my friends are older than me, so by the time I am turning any age, I feel like I should already be that old since my friends are. I know that's kind of weird. I have really enjoyed being 22, and I enjoy being younger than my friends : )
Much travel to come this month! Thursday we leave for Louisville for a few days, and then the Thursday after that we fly to Murfreesboro to see Alan's parents, sister, and nephew! I miss Peyton a lot. A couple days after we get back my friend and former roommie, Lori (pictured above), is coming to visit for a few days. I haven't spent quality time with her in a long time.
Class starts again the 31st... hopefully I will feel ready. I have an interview for a graduate assistantship. Not sure if I want the job. We shall see.
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