If you are like me, then the word overpronation makes you feel a little hopeless. I've got "bad feet..." at least that's what I always call it, but that doesn't really do it justice.
Definition: Pronation describes a slight inward rolling motion the foot makes during a normal walking or running stride. The foot (and ankle) roles slightly inward to accommodate movement. Some people, however, over-pronate and roll more than normal. With over-pronation, the arch of the foot flattens and causes excessive stress and pressure on the soft tissues of the foot. Over-pronation is more common in those with flat feet, and can lead to foot aches and pain, such as plantar fasciitis, shin splints, and knee pain.
Okay, so I just started running again, but I am kind of starting from scratch. I used to run a lot, but then I got out of the habit. Anyway, my feet are not used to it, and by shoes are already a little worn out, so it's a sad combination. I have been researching shoes, and should be ordering a new pair of running shoes soon. I need a kind of shoe called "motion control" to keep my foot from looking like the picture on the right. Most people with this condition have flat feet, but mine are not quite flat. I have a slight arch.
I'm telling you all this because 1. I think it's interesting, and 2. I need your prayers.
I am on a journey... to the Chicago Marathon. One of the things I want to do before I die is run a marathon, and I plan to do that next October. I have a year and a half to learn to run 26.2 miles. I am telling as many people as possible, because I hope this will hold me accountable. I imagine every so often someone will say "so how is the running thing going?" and I want to be able to say "great!"
Here is a picture from spring of 2005. My roommate took this because a friend and I had been running in the rain and we were soaked. This was back when I used to run a lot, and when I was 30 pounds lighter! I think I will feel great once I get into the swing of things!
THE RESCUE... a fight for freedom.
Alan and I participated in The Rescue, which was put on by the Invisible Children. The goal of the event was to raise awareness about the was in Uganda, and to demand from our government that they need to help. Here are the details, if you were wondering:
*The Rescue Event Summary On April 25th, 2009- the international community will unite to deliver the innocent from Kony’s reign and ensure he is brought to justice. Thousands of participants will gather in 100 cities across the world to symbolically abduc t themselves to free the abducted.
*Your abduction will begin on April 25th at 3pm when you leave your home and meet at a designated “abduction site”. Then you will march as a group, on foot, to the event location called the “LRA Camp” while carrying any supplies you will need for the night on your backs. This march will range from 1-3 miles depending on the city, and will be done in a single file line with all participants holding onto a rope.
*Once you’ve arrived at the LRA Camp, you will set up your “camp” and then wait to be “rescued”. A “successful” rescue requires two things. First, an approved media outlet from your area must show up and cover the event. Second, you and your city must arrange for the attendance of at least one pre-determined cultural or political leader. We are calling this person the “mogul” or “rescuer.” Depending on the size, scope and fervor you create in the next month for your specific event locale, the leaders invited to The Rescue may be a Congressional Representative, State Official, local Mayor or local business/media or community figure. The list of approved media outlets and moguls for each specific city is available on TheRescue.InvisibleChildren.com.
Okay, so there were hundreds of people there... but then it started to rain... and rain... and pour. At 3pm it was a beautiful 77 degrees, and by the time Alan and I headed home at 6pm it was 37 degrees!! THREE HOURS. A lot of people left with us, but I give props to those who stayed. What is crazy is that they still have not been rescued, and it has been 31 hours! We might go back tomorrow and see if we can help... we are supposed to reunite at our original meeting place.
It was a powerful experience, and I am ready to see Kony's child soldiers return to their homes, and to their families, so they can live a life of peace and not death. The war has been raging for 23 years, and for 90% of the soldiers, that is longer than they've been alive. As for the children who have not been abducted by the LRA and forced to kill... they live in fear that any night they could be snatched from their beds as well.
Get involved for the Invisible Children. Spread the word.
My shopping soul mate
<---This is a picture of true friendship. Although it was taken like four years ago, it still expresses our feelings for each other
Sometimes you don't realize what you've got until it's gone. Alyssa and I spent hundreds of hours shopping together growing up- knowing each others' sizes and taste in clothing. Now, I have no one to shop with.
Here in Chicago there is great shopping, but what good does it do you when your shopping soul mate is hundreds of miles away?! So sad.
So Alyssa, please come visit so I can get some summer clothes.
For the birds
Pray4Chicago went well, and I'll be more than happy to host it again. Alan thought it went well also, you can read about it on his blog, t00. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and I look forward to having lots more people in our home... I miss the crowd. Even though I had to get onto some of the teens for being too loud, they weren't mad about it. I was more worried about bothering out neighbors than anything else.
Just a couple weeks of class left, and I will put some of the finishing touches on a paper tomorrow. I had to write a Case Study, and my dear friend Stefanie let me use her. What a dear. I will get a couple weeks off before I start my summer classes, and I am excited about that. I hope to use that time to find some part time work or a place to volunteer. We also booked flights to go see Alan's parents the weekend of May 15-17th, and I am very excited to see them. I plan to treat it like a vacation... cause it's the only one I'm going to get!
Well I've had a dozen people tell me they are coming to visit this summer, but no one has made plans to do so yet. I had a few friends try to make plans, but they wanted to come a weekend we weren't going to be here. I'm ready for people to come though, so make your plans!
I've been praying a lot lately. A little at a time, but often. I'm excited and afraid of what that might mean... have you ever had the feeling like God might be preparing you for something? Well, I have that feeling, and it's actually kind of haunting. I'm trying to have patience about it, but I just keep wondering what the future holds. Where is the money going to come from? What am I supposed to do with my time? Should we move when our lease is up? What is the real plan here?!
When it is bitter cold in Chicago, God takes care of the flying rats. I mean, pigeons. The lowest of low in the city is loved and nurtured by God almighty. There are heat lamps at the el stations that people can turn on while they are waiting. Often when you move under one you find you are standing or sitting next to a puffed up pigeon, waiting for you to turn the heat lamp back on:
not so computer savvy...
There are places for links (home, about, contact, and FAQ) at the top of my new blog template, but I don't know how to make them work.... so right now they are decoration. It's a cute template though... maybe I'll figure out how to work it. Maybe someone will teach me how to do html and stuff.
What a BEAUTIFUL day!! There is a robin out my window, and I greatly appreciate him singing for me. I think it's a he. Alan and I went for a long walk, and cleaned up the apartment for the big even tomorrow (Pray4Chicago). We are expecting between 15 and 20 people.
I need to work on my paper, but instead I think I might read and paint my toe nails. There should be time to do my paper on Sunday and Monday when it will be raining.
I tried to transplant a few seedlings of spinach today, and I might have killed them.. They are looking quite sad about the move...
I'm back!
So I neglected my blog for a long time, but I'm still here! My semester is almost over, and boy am I glad. I am ready for new subjects and a change of teachers. I've got one paper left to write and a couple finals, but I'm almost home free. Then I will have a couple weeks off before summer classes start May 22 (my mommas birthday). I think we are going to visit Alan's parents in Murfreesboro the weekend of the 16th, and I am excited.
The weather is finally showing signs of SPRING! It is supposed to be 69 degrees tomorrow... er... today I guess since it is 1am. Alan and I are going to be working this weekend, so we decided to take Friday off (for the most part) and bask in the sun. We went on a little bike ride today, and found quite an extensive bike trail we are excited about.
My sprouts of lettuce, spinach, parsley, and cosmos are doing well, but rosemary not so much. I may plant more seeds for it when the other spouts move out... I might have buried them too deep. The parsley is doing quite well, so I may transplant soon. Maybe I'll eventually have enough to give some away.Ruckus (the bunny) is doing well. She gets out a lot and we have been feeding her any seedlings that get weeded out. At least she will enjoy the garden even if nothing makes it too long. Because of the fact that she is restricted to the dining room, she has been getting fed from the table lately. She is starting to beg like a dog, which is hilarious.
Culture shock is not feeling too bad now that warm weather is here. I still need prayers for our future. We don't know where the money will come from after August, but God will provide. If I have to get a job, He will show me the way. I worry sometimes, and wonder how long we can live on what we call our "critical budget." It doesn't allow for savings, or much other than food and rent. However, praise Him for our happy marriage, my good grades, and our overall well being. Life is good.
He is good to me.